Personal Pathway Session

Are you looking to discover how to access information from a higher consciousness?

Do you want your own unique Personal Pathway to the Akashic Records and/or Source of Your Consciousness?

As a Certified Personal Pathway Practitioner© Tatiana supports clients in their ability to develop and create a personal pathway to the Akashic Records and Source Consciousness.

ILLUMINATE YOUR Records Practice!

Would you like to have greater clarity and clearer connection in your Akashic Record Practice and beyond? It is here, in our Records, that the soul's very essences, truths, and potentials are revealed.

Are you a seeker who wants a deeper connection with your soul, which brings to your awareness lifetimes of information? Your past, present, and future possibilities and probabilities. Are you ready to experience more kindness, love, and understanding in your Records Practice? 

Personal Pathway Session: The Personal Pathway Blueprint© is a suggested seven-step structure to support you in attuning to the innate channel within your being. This channel will provide you with the experience to Know the Source of your Consciousness, so you can have access to the imprints and wisdom within the Akashic Realm and beyond. In personalizing your Pathway to access this source of energy and consciousness, you deliberately create a path to connect and communicate with this source of information. The outline helps you create an invocation to consciously connect to this channel.

Personal Pathway Session is broken down into 2 two-hour sessions 1 & 2. As in a reading, Tatiana begins with opening the client’s Records. We receive support from the clients’s Guides and together all will work through the Personal Pathway Blueprint©. 

Personal Pathway Session 1: In this session each client is guided in developing and creating their own unique Personal Pathway. Together we discover a pathway that is true for you to access the source of your consciousness. Tatiana will email you an intake form for this session.

Personal Pathway Session 2: In this session with each client, we refine their unique Personal Pathway, create guidelines that are supportive for a deeper connection, and in addition Tatiana is available for guidance, followup questions, and support. This session can also be a mentorship session with additional exercises, readings, and support. I help clients nurture their relationship with their Guides, holding safe space for them while they cultivate and practice their skills, and lovingly guide them to and within their Records. You will build trust for yourself both as a practitioner for yourself and others by strengthening your connection. Tatiana will email you an intake form for this session and customize your session for you. 


After the completion of the first session, the client is encouraged to let their intuition guide them in scheduling the second session. The timing is up to the client.

Please email Tatiana at with any questions.

Yes to You!